Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Jamu history & what is Jamu?

The word of jamu or traditional Indonesian medicine was started and developed from Central Java back in the eighth century.
In Central Java, on the walls of the Borobudur temple there is an ancient monument the use of kalpataruh tree (tree that lives forever) to prepare the medicine.
Jamu influence of Chinese, Indian, Arabian medicine

The jamu legacy 

In tradition jamu has been handed down from mother to daughter for many generation that why jamu is still enduring.

Jamu is mean traditional healing or medicine in deferent kind of form such as combination of plants, spiritual or bodywork. Indonesian Society has been use jamu for health and beauty for many centuries. Yes, the word of jamu is come from central java, but doest not mean Indonesian traditional medicine is the only healing that use in java. Mostly in every province in Indonesia have their owns system of traditional medicine. In Sumatra example use of jamu is base on combination of the aboriginals and the ancient Melayu where is using more akar kayu or rainforest herbs and mystic using the bomoh or dukun and tabib to give a complex medicine and treatment. When the Javanese transmigration was started (system of resettling in habitants of overpopulated islands to less populated regions), that how the jamu word and jamu system was influence with the local tradition. With the same event, that how the word of jamu become the common word use for traditional healing in all over Indonesia.
As well in Malaysia jamu becoming popular among Malay society and also became part of Malaysian culture. More less the same history like other part of Indonesia, was started from the old day of Malayan where Indonesian immigrant was playing important part of influence the Malay ‘s culture. Because of the confliction between tradition and religion, so a view system of traditional healing was lost in time.

People out of Indonesia think Jamu is an only daily Javanese yellow herbal drink.  But Jamu is including every traditional treatment or medicine as internal or external and physical or spiritual. 

One common herb that use as a base in mostly every Jamu drink and cosmetic is Kunyit or turmeric. Next you will find how important is turmeric in herbal medicine.

I sincerely, wish all the women out there stay in-love, gorgeous and healthy....
ibu nunun

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